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Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(2): 136-142, 20230600. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509823


Nas últimas duas décadas as mudanças climáticas têm se intensificado, causado danos ao meio ambiente e aos indivíduos que nele habitam. Várias ações do ser humano têm contribuído para que cada vez mais essas mudanças climáticas sejam mais presentes e intensas. O aumento das desigualdades e vulnerabilidades sociais, o desmatamento, os incêndios florestais voluntários, a degradação do solo e a poluição ambiental aliados à variabilidade climática global da temperatura da água do mar podem potencialmente levar a eventos climáticos extremos, potencializando os efeitos negativos sobre a saúde. Neste trabalho é apresentado um resumo do relatório do Lancet Countdown South America, fruto da colaboração acadêmica multidisciplinar de instituições de ensino e agências sul-americanas de saúde de 12 países (Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Colômbia, Chile, Equador, Guiana, Paraguai, Peru, Uruguai, Venezuela e Suriname) publicado por Hartinger e cols. (2023). Este estudo é uma alerta, pois nele são publicados os resultados do levantamento sobre mudanças climáticas e seus efeitos sobre a saúde humana no continente sul-americano. Conhecê-las é o primeiro passo para que políticas de saúde pública sejam instituídas, e, preferencialmente, de modo preventivo.

Climate change has intensified in the last two decades, damaging the environment and those who inhabit it. Human activity has increased the prevalence and intensity of these changes. Increased social inequality and vulnerability, deforestation, intentional forest fires, soil degradation, and environmental pollution, when associated with sea temperature variability, can lead to extreme weather events, increasing negative health effects. This report summarizes Lancet Countdown South America (Hartinger et al. 2023), the result of multidisciplinary collaboration between education institutions and South American health agencies from 12 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela and Suriname. This should be considered a wake-up call because it contains the results of a climate change survey and its effects on human health in South America. Knowing these effects is the first step toward appropriate, preferably preventive, public health policies.

Humans , South America
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(5): 3168-3182, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435143


Este artigo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do uso de repelentes na população brasileira. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, foram utilizadas as metodologias da revisão de literatura e a pesquisa documental junto à ANVISA referentes aos repelentes registrados e comercializados no Brasil. De acordo com a RDC nº 7 de 2015 da ANVISA, os repelentes são classificados como produtos de Grau 2, compostos por Produtos de Higiene Pessoal, Cosméticos e Perfumes. Nessa categoria, constatou-se a existência de 113 produtos registrados para comercialização no Brasil. Verificou-se que, apesar do aumento do consumo devido às doenças causadas por picada dos mosquitos Aedes aegypti, a maioria dos repelentes comercializados possuem como princípio ativo as substâncias DEET, Icaridina ou IR3535, não resultando em reações tóxicas relevantes para a população, visto que, essas substâncias são de baixa toxicidade ou atóxicas, como é o caso do IR3535. Faz-se necessário considerar que o uso desses produtos deve seguir rigorosamente as orientações dos fabricantes disponíveis nos rótulos das embalagens no que tange à aplicação, reaplicação, frequência e uso específico para crianças, gestantes e lactantes. No que se refere à eficácia, a Icaridina apresenta-se como mais eficaz que o IR3535 quando considerados os fatores tempo de proteção versus concentração do princípio ativo. Entretanto, a Icaridina, em alguns casos, pode apresentar moderada toxicidade, enquanto que, o IR3535 é atóxico. Observa-se ainda, que mesmo diante desse cenário, o DEET é o mais comercializado e amplamente estudado no país.

This article aimed to evaluate the effects of the use of repellents in the Brazilian population. To achieve the proposed objective, the methodologies of literature review and documentary research with ANVISA regarding repellents registered and marketed in Brazil were used. According to ANVISA's RDC No. 7 of 2015, repellents are classified as Grade 2 products, composed of Personal Hygiene Products, Cosmetics and Perfumes. In this category, it was found the existence of 113 products registered for commercialization in Brazil. It was found that, despite the increased consumption due to diseases caused by bites from Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, most repellents marketed have as active ingredients the substances DEET, Icaridin or IR3535, not resulting in toxic reactions relevant to the population, since these substances are of low toxicity or non- toxic, as is the case of IR3535. It is necessary to consider that the use of these products should strictly follow the manufacturers' guidelines available on the packaging labels regarding application, reapplication, frequency and specific use for children, pregnant and lactating women. With regard to efficacy, Icaridin is more effective than IR3535 when considering the factors protection time versus concentration of the active ingredient. However, Icaridin, in some cases, may present moderate toxicity, while IR3535 is non- toxic. It is also observed that, even in this scenario, DEET is the most marketed and widely studied in the country.

artículo tuvo como objetivo evaluar los efectos del uso de repelentes en la población brasileña. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto, se utilizaron las metodologías de revisión bibliográfica e investigación documental con ANVISA sobre repelentes registrados y comercializados en Brasil. De acuerdo con el CDR nº 7 de 2015 de ANVISA, los repelentes se clasifican como productos de Grado 2, compuesto por Productos de Higiene Personal, Cosméticos y Perfumes. En esta categoría, se constató la existencia de 113 productos registrados para comercialización en Brasil. Se constató que, a pesar del aumento del consumo debido a las enfermedades causadas por picaduras de mosquitos Aedes aegypti, la mayoría de los repelentes comercializados tienen como principios activos las sustancias DEET, Icaridina o IR3535, no resultando en reacciones tóxicas relevantes para la población, ya que estas sustancias son de baja toxicidad o no tóxicas, como es el caso del IR3535. Es necesario considerar que el uso de estos productos debe seguir estrictamente las directrices de los fabricantes disponibles en las etiquetas de los envases en cuanto a aplicación, reaplicación, frecuencia y uso específico para niños, mujeres embarazadas y lactantes. En cuanto a la eficacia, la Icaridina es más eficaz que el IR3535 si se consideran los factores tiempo de protección frente a concentración del principio activo. Sin embargo, la Icaridina, en algunos casos, puede presentar una toxicidad moderada, mientras que el IR3535 no es tóxico. También se observa que, incluso en este escenario, el DEET es el más comercializado y ampliamente estudiado en el país.

Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 58-66, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980115


Introduction@#The rate of global warming has accelerated over the past 50 years, with 2014 and 2015 being the earth’s warmest years on record. The prevailing scientific view is that increased ambient temperatures are changing rainfall patterns and cause extreme weather conditions. Increasing surface temperature is melting glaciers and raising the sea level. More flooding, droughts, hurricanes, and heat waves are being reported. Accelerated changes in climate are already affecting human health, in part by altering the epidemiology of climate-sensitive pathogens.</br> Annually, one out of every four deaths worldwide is due to environmental pollution and climate change-related diseases. </br> Greenhouse gases from human activities are the most significant driver of observed climate change since the mid-20th century.</br> These warming trends may have profound effects not only on the environment but also on human health directly and indirectly. In fact, climate change has been considered the biggest threat to global health in the 21st century.

Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine ; (12): 775-781, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979192


Sugar reduction and restriction have become one of the most urgent health demands as the number of obese people increases globally. Sugar substitutes (mainly classified into sugar alcohols, natural sweeteners, and artificial sweeteners) have been widely used in food processing as alternatives to sugar for their low energy and high sweetness. Thus, the classification, metabolism pathways, advantages, applications, and human health effects of sugar substitutes, their effects on human health were introduced, and the relationships between sugar substitutes and obesity, diabetes, intestinal microbes, hypertension, and all-cause mortality were emphatically summarized in this paper. Generally, long-term high intake of sugar substitutes is associated with adverse health outcomes such as elevated blood pressure, higher risks of diabetes, cancer, and increased all-cause mortality. Meanwhile, sugar alcohols and natural sweeteners are more likely to associate with beneficial effects on human gut microbial diversity, while artificial sweeteners associate with imbalance of gut microbiota based on available evidence. Current published research focuses on single sugar substitute exposure with varied health effects, while nearly half of commercial sugar substitute products contain two or more sugar substitutes. The effects of exposure to multiple sugar substitutes on human health are not clear yet, so further strengthening the relevant epidemiological and molecular mechanism research is necessary.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1295-1301, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005558


Capital’s penetration and mastery of global space shape a human health space that coexists with homogeneity and fragmentation, compressibility and expansion, digestion and remodeling. Capital exacerbates the deprivation of health resources in the global space through means such as controlling the power field, expanding the scope of flow, and monopolizing resource allocation, seriously constraining the overall improvement of human health. The human health community focuses on the healthy development of health in the global space, showing strong human sentiments and profound spatial implications. It aims to break the dominance of capital forces on human health in space, scientifically respond to the space crises caused by major public health events, and build a global space for the balanced and sustainable development of human health. It is Chinese concept, Chinese plan, and Chinese wisdom for reshaping the global justice space and safeguarding human health. To realize the value of health in the global space, it is necessary to take Marx’s space theory as the guide, continuously promote the construction of human health community from the three-dimensional space of individual micro, regional meso, and global macro, and create a space for health justice.

Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 66-79, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972372


@#Health impact assessment is a means of evidence-based policy-making for improvement in health. It is a combination of methods whose aim is to assess the health consequences to a population of a policy, project, or program that does not necessarily have health as its primary objective. It is described as being “the leading global network on best practice in the use of impact assessment for informed decision-making regarding policies, programs, plans and projects”. In recent years, much evidence was revealed that the mining, metal mining, and processing industry has a greatly impact on humans. Residing population has affected directly and indirectly influenced to the health and wellbeing of human. </br>The mining, metal mining and processing industries play an important role in the economic and social development of Mongolia. With the rapid development of the mining industry in Mongolia, environmental protection and environmental rehabilitation have become a priority. Currently, there are 27 laws governing environmental legal acts in our country, and chapter 3 of the Hygiene Law covers environmental and health impact assessment. As stated the implementation of the law shall be financed from the state and local budgets, the central state administrative organization and the Governor at the appropriate level shall order the relevant professional organizations to carry out environmental research and analysis work and to develop projects, and in addition to financing with budget funds, as well as conducting research with their funds for interested citizens, enterprises, and organizations were are arrangements to support the implementation of the laws and its regulation. </br>However, Within the scope of the Law on Environmental Protection and Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures, the negative impact on the environment is identified but in the area of health impact, it is a lack of information on how the activities are conducted, and health impact assessments are not conducted according to procedures and methods. Thus, there are need to conduct health impact assessments of the mining area and its affected population.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219652


Genetically modified crop (GMC) is a technology which includes transferring Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in plant cells. On the other hand, Hybrid Crops are naturally occurring crops but it also involves manmade crosses to have at least 15-20% higher yield potential over high yielding inbred crop varieties using almost the same level of inputs and also can perform better even under unfavourable environments like drought and saline condition. These days, hybrid crops are one of the most commonly consumed foods for humans. In line with this GM crops have high yield potential and adaptive capability under wide range of environments even under fragile ecosystems. There are different aspects of both these types of crops. Human consumption of these crops has been a highly debatable topic in recent times. In this study, a brief discussion on GM crops and hybrid crops will be presented. Additionally, a comparison between them, in terms of health and productivity, will also be discussed.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3): 1127-1148, set-dez. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414419


Este trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma pesquisa visando a fundamentação científica dos superalimentos. Embora não existam diretrizes oficiais para o que constitui um "superalimento", geralmente está denominação se aplica a produtos alimentícios que contêm grandes quantidades de nutrientes específicos (por exemplo, antioxidantes, vitaminas e minerais). Estes bioativos atuam como potenciais agentes de prevenção e complementam os tratamentos de doenças crônicas como síndrome metabólica, diabetes, hipertensão, inflamações, doenças autoimunes entre outras. Como exemplos de superalimentos, encontram-se os brotos, sementes, vegetais, frutas, cúrcuma, chá verde, algas como a espirulina, alho, gengibre, cacau, pólen, geleia real, mel de abelha, coco e açaí. Nesse sentido, outros estudos poderiam ser realizados para investigar como estão sendo compreendidos os superalimentos dentro do campo científico.

This work aims to carry out research aiming at the scientific foundation of superfoods. While there are no official guidelines for what constitutes a "superfood", this designation generally applies to food products that contain large amounts of specific nutrients (eg, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals). These bioactives act as potential preventive agents and complement treatments for chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, among others. As examples of superfoods, there are sprouts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, turmeric, green tea, algae such as spirulina, garlic, ginger, cocoa, pollen, royal jelly, bee honey, coconut and açaí. In this sense, other studies could be carried out to investigate how superfoods are being understood within the scientific field.

El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una investigación sobre la base científica de los superalimentos. Aunque no existen directrices oficiales sobre lo que constituye un "superalimento", esta denominación se aplica generalmente a los productos alimenticios que contienen grandes cantidades de nutrientes específicos (por ejemplo, antioxidantes, vitaminas y minerales). Estos bioactivos actúan como agentes potenciales para prevenir y complementar los tratamientos de enfermedades crónicas como el síndrome metabólico, la diabetes, la hipertensión, la inflamación, las enfermedades autoinmunes y otras. Como ejemplos de superalimentos, están los germinados, las semillas, las verduras, las frutas, la cúrcuma, el té verde, las algas como la espirulina, el ajo, el jengibre, el cacao, el polen, la jalea real, la miel de abeja, el coco y el acai. En este sentido, se podrían realizar otros estudios para investigar cómo se entienden los superalimentos dentro del ámbito científico.

Functional Food , Diet, Healthy , Cacao , Solanum lycopersicum , Flax , Persea , Agaricales , Eggs , Fruit , Fabaceae , Nutritive Value
Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 65(3): 8-18, may.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387324


Resumen A partir de la Revolución Industrial, las actividades humanas han causado diversas y significativas afectaciones al planeta, ampliamente investigadas e informadas. Los seres humanos y el resto de los seres vivos tienen una interdependencia permanente con el medio ambiente, lo cual se ha hecho más evidente en la actualidad. Los daños en la calidad del agua, aire y suelo, aunados al progresivo deterioro y pérdida de los ecosistemas y las afectaciones a la flora y a la fauna, han propiciado cambios que se traducen en peligros y riesgos de diversa índole e importancia para la salud humana, ya sea a corto o a largo plazo. Estas alteraciones ambientales se acompañan y se potencian con factores sociales, económicos, culturales y políticos, cuyos impactos en la salud se manifiestan a nivel local, regional, e incluso planetario. En este artículo se describen los principales cambios ambientales y sus efectos adversos en la salud, se destaca la importancia de que los médicos los consideren en el trato cotidiano con los pacientes y su entorno familiar, en particular cuando se tienen identificadas poblaciones vulnerables. Se concluye con la recomendación de que el sector salud muestre un mayor interés en el tema de medio ambiente y salud, adoptando un liderazgo para fortalecer los programas de salud pública ambiental con abordajes intersectoriales e interdisciplinarios. Cabe esperar que el campo de la salud y su base ambiental se constituyan en la formación integral de recursos humanos y en promover la investigación que proporcione elementos para definir e instrumentar políticas públicas exitosas.

Abstract Since the Industrial Revolution, human activities have caused various and significant effects on the planet widely investigated and reported. Human beings and the rest of living beings have a permanent interdependence with the environment, which has become more evident today. Damage to the quality of water, air and soil, coupled with the progressive deterioration and loss of ecosystems and the effects on flora and fauna, have led to changes that translate into dangers and risks of various kinds and importance for human health, either short term or long term. These environmental changes are accompanied and enhanced by social, economic, cultural and political factors, whose impacts on health are manifested at the local, regional and even global levels. This article describes the main environmental changes and their adverse effects on health, highlighting the importance of physicians considering them in their daily dealings with patients and their families, particularly when vulnerable populations have been identified. It concludes with the recommendation that the health sector show greater interest in the environment and health issue, adopting leadership to strengthen environmental public health programs with intersectoral and interdisciplinary approaches. Let's hope that the health field and its environmental base constitute the comprehensive training of human resources and promote research that provides elements to define and implement successful public policies.

Saúde debate ; 46(spe2): 482-500, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390380


RESUMO A presente revisão de escopo objetivou evidenciar o perfil das pesquisas brasileiras que investigam os desfechos em saúde ocasionados pela exposição a agrotóxicos, procurando entender os principais achados, tais como metodologia empregada, tipo de substância, desfechos em saúde, locais investigados, sugestões de ações e diálogo com a agroecologia. Foi utilizada a metodologia 'scoping review', seguindo o modelo Prisma-ScR. Entre os 83 artigos encontrados, 61 estudaram os/as agricultores/as e 22 estudaram outros grupos populacionais. Houve predomínio de estudos primários e quantitativos, seguidos por revisões sistemáticas. Do total, 79 encontraram desfechos, com destaque aos danos hematológicos e genéticos, em sua maior parte causados pela intoxicação por mais de 1 agrotóxico. O maior número de estudos foi realizado na região Sul, seguida das regiões Sudeste, Nordeste, Centro-Oeste e Norte. Apenas uma pesquisa sugeriu a transição agroecológica enquanto solução para a problemática. Conclui-se que, perante um cenário de crescimento do uso de agrotóxicos, fazem-se urgentes proposições de ações intersetoriais e que não envolvam somente educação em saúde ou o setor saúde de forma isolada, como sugere a maioria dos artigos, sendo necessária a articulação entre setores ligados à agricultura, abastecimento, educação, saúde e meio-ambiente.

ABSTRACT The present scope review aimed to highlight the profile of Brazilian research that investigates health outcomes caused by exposure to pesticides, seeking to understand the main findings, such as methodology used, type of substance, health outcomes, investigated locations, suggested actions, and dialogue with agroecology. The scoping review methodology was used, following the Prisma-ScR model. Among the 83 articles found in the review, 61 studied farmers and 22 studied other population groups. There was a predominance of primary and quantitative studies, followed by systematic reviews. Of the total, 79 articles found outcomes, with emphasis on hematological and genetic damage, mostly caused by poisoning by more than 1 pesticide. The largest number of studies were carried out in the South, followed by the Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, and North. Only 1 survey suggested the agroecological transition as a solution to the problem. It is concluded that, faced with a scenario of growth in the use of pesticides, it is urgent to have proposals for intersectoral actions and that do not involve only health education or the health sector in isolation, as most articles suggest, requiring articulation between sectors related to agriculture, supply, education, health, and the environment.

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences ; : 43-49, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980574


@#Introduction: Introduction: Knee valgus which also known as dynamic knee valgus (DKV), is frequently linked to non-contact lower-limb injuries, especially in females. This retrospective study aims to compare the kinematic variables of lower limb joints in physically active females with normal versus excessive DKV during single leg squat (SLS) at 45° and 60° knee flexion. Methods: Based on the outcomes of drop vertical jump screening test, 34 females were recruited and divided into two groups (i.e., normal and excessive DKV). Participants performed SLS at 45° and 60° knee flexion with three-dimensional motion capture and analysis. The kinematic variables of lower limb joints at both knee flexion of SLS were compared across groups using independent T-test. Results: During 45° SLS with the dominant limb, the normal DKV group performed significantly greater hip adduction angle (4.49±3.25°, t(32) = 2.371, p= 0.024) than the excessive DKV group (1.426±4.23°). During 60° SLS with the dominant limb, the normal DKV group showed knee adduction (0.223±0.07°, t(16.048) = 10.707, p=0.001) while the excessive DKV group showed knee abduction (-4.478±1.81°). Conclusion: Females with excessive DKV showed significantly different lower limb kinematics and motion control strategy compared to females with normal range of DKV. The findings highlighted the importance of DKV screening among physically active females, and the rationale for prescribing individualized exercise intervention to prevent lower limb non-contact injuries.

China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 895-2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979895


@#Zoonoses are a class of infectious diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans. More than 200 known types of zoonoses have been reported across the world until now. Among 1 400 pathogens of human infectious diseases, approximately 61% are zoonotic origin, and 75% human emerging infectious diseases are zoonoses. These zoonoses pose a great threat to human and animal health and decrease livestock production. To effectively tackle the persistent challenges resulting from zoonoses, WHO collaborates with member governments, academia, non-governmental and charitable organizations, and regional and international partners to prevent and manage zoonotic threats and their public health, social and economic impacts. Although great success has been achieved in the management of zoonoses, there are still multiple challenges for zoonoses control in China due to environmental, climate, socioeconomic factors and antimicrobial resistance. Based on the One Health concept, the integration of modern biological, information, artificial intelligent and big data tools through multidisciplinary and multi-sectorial collaborations may facilitate the containment and elimination of zoonoses.

São Paulo med. j ; 139(6): 615-623, Nov.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352286


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Rheumatic diseases (RDs) are a group of pathological conditions characterized by inflammation and functional disability. There is evidence suggesting that regular consumption of polyphenols has therapeutic effects capable of relieving RD symptoms. OBJECTIVE: To synthesize data from randomized controlled trials on administration of polyphenols and their effects on RD activity. DESIGN AND SETTING: Systematic review conducted at Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil. METHODS: A systematic search was conducted in the databases PubMed (Medline), LILACS (BVS), IBECS (BVS), CUMED (BVS), BINACIS (BVS), EMBASE, Web of Science and Cochrane Library and in the grey literature. The present study followed a PRISMA-P checklist. RESULTS: In total, 646 articles were considered potentially eligible, of which 33 were then subjected to complete reading. Out of these, 17 randomized controlled trials articles were selected to form the final sample. Among these 17 articles, 64.71% assessed osteoarthritis (n = 11), 23.53% rheumatoid arthritis (n = 4), 5.88% rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia (n = 1) and 5.88% osteoarthritis and rheumatoid (n = 1). Intake of polyphenol showed positive effects in most of the studies assessed (94.12%): it improved pain (64.70%) and inflammation (58.82%). CONCLUSION: Polyphenols are potential allies for treating RD activity. However, the range of polyphenol sources administered was a limitation of this review, as also was the lack of information about the methodological characteristics of the studies evaluated. Thus, further primary studies are needed in order to evaluate the effects of polyphenol consumption for reducing RD activity. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTER: PROSPERO - CRD42020145349.

Humans , Rheumatic Diseases/drug therapy , Polyphenols/therapeutic use , Meta-Analysis as Topic , Systematic Reviews as Topic , Inflammation
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(supl.3): 5315-5328, Oct. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345736


Resumo Este artigo caracteriza a produção científica divulgada em periódicos nacionais sobre as interações que se estabelecem entre os conceitos de mudanças climáticas, mudanças produtivas (incluídas as mudanças no uso do solo) e saúde humana, nos últimos dez anos (de 2008 a 2017), com destaque para as tendências teórico-metodológicas dessa produção. Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão da literatura a partir de publicações disponibilizadas nas bases Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e Portal de Periódicos CAPES. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram os avanços experimentados nos últimos dez anos pelas equipes interdisciplinares que se debruçaram sobre o tema ao longo do período analisado, bem como permitem identificar lacunas de pesquisa que podem ser exploradas em investigações futuras. Adicionalmente, foi identificada uma positiva sofisticação e refinamento das ferramentas e instrumentos analíticos que se mostram capazes de reunir informações consistentes sobre uma realidade ampla e complexa, caracterizada pela diversidade dos biomas, cenários climáticos e sistemas produtivos.

Abstract This article reviews the scientific output published in national journals on the interactions that are established between the concepts of climate change, productive changes (including changes in land use) and human health in the last ten years (from 2008 to 2017), highlighting the theoretical-methodological trends of this output. To achieve this, a review of the literature was made from publications made available in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and the CAPES Journals Portal. The results obtained demonstrate the advances made in the last ten years by the interdisciplinary teams that dealt with the subject over the period analyzed. At the same time, this article identifies the research gaps that can be exploited in future research. In addition, a positive sophistication and refinement of analytical tools and instruments have been identified that are able to gather consistent information about a broad and complex reality characterized by the diversity of biomes, climatic scenarios and productive systems.

Humans , Climate Change , Ecosystem
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 26(1): 133-142, jan.-fev. 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154125


RESUMO O presente trabalho consiste na avaliação da existência de risco e sua quantificação em casos de vazamentos de derivados do petróleo em uma refinaria localizada na Região Sudeste do Brasil. A área apresenta solo subsuperficial e água subterrânea contaminados por hidrocarbonetos de petróleo e outras substâncias em consequência do funcionamento de uma refinaria. Foram consideradas as vias de exposição por inalação aos contaminantes presentes nesses dois meios. A quantificação do risco de câncer e do quociente de perigo foi realizada para cada substância química, permitindo verificar que, para a exposição a água subterrânea contaminada, não houve efeito carcinogênico e não carcinogênico para os compostos analisados por meio da via de inalação. Já para a exposição a solo subsuperficial contaminado, verificou-se que todos os elementos detectados apresentaram riscos carcinogênicos para ambas as condições analisadas (ambiente aberto e fechado) e ambos os receptores (trabalhadores e comercial). Os elementos benzeno, tolueno, etilbenzeno, o-xileno e m-xileno apresentaram risco não carcinogênico para ambientes fechados em solo subsuperficial contaminado. Em ambientes abertos, somente o xileno,m- não apresentou risco não carcinogênico. Para receptores trabalhadores, somente o benzeno apresentou risco não carcinogênico. Destaca-se a grande importância do gerenciamento de risco para posterior recuperação dessa área afetada.

Abstract The present study was an assessment and risk quantification of derivatives from oil spill at a refinery located in the Southeast of Brazil. The area presents subsurface soil and groundwater contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons and other substances from the refinery. Inhalation exposure routes have been evaluated due to the presence of contaminants in the affected area. Risk quantification and hazard ratio were performed for each chemical substance, allowing to verify that, for exposure from contaminated groundwater, there was no carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effect considering the inhalation route. As for exposure to contaminated subsurface soil, all the elements were detected as having the carcinogenic risk for both analyzed conditions (open and closed environments), and both receptors (worker and commercial). The elements Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, o-Xylene, and m-Xylene, have presented a non-carcinogenic risk for closed environments from contaminated subsurface soil. In open environments, only m-Xylene did not present non-carcinogenic risk. For the workers receptors, only Benzene has presented a non-carcinogenic risk. It might be highlighted the importance of risk management for the subsequent recovery of this affected area.

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine ; (12): 375-384, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-950227


Pyropia yezoensis (P. yezoensis) is a popular species of red algae that are commercially cultivated and consumed in East Asia, China, Japan, and Korea. The high protein content of P. yezoensis provides a source of multiple bioactive peptides exhibiting antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, anticancer, tissue healing, immunomodulatory, and anticoagulant properties. Furthermore, many other biologically active substances in P. yezoensis, including carbohydrates, lipids, dietary fibers, and polyphenols, have shown potential health benefits and are important in both the food and agriculture industries. This review provides a detailed summary of researches over the last decade on the biological and medicinal properties of bioactive peptides. The information was extracted from various electronic resources, including Google Scholar, PubMed, MEDLINE, and Google Patents.

Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. (Impr.) ; 9(3): 200-209, jul.-set.2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121825


Objetivo: verificar benefícios, riscos e eventos adversos na utilização da cirurgia assistida pelo robô Da Vinci, a fim de estabelecer a forma de atribuição de responsabilidade entre os diversos agentes envolvidos, quais sejam,médico, hospital, equipe de enfermagem e fabricante. Metodologia:o presente estudo centra-se na coleta e interpretação de material doutrinário e jurisprudencial relacionado à temática,sendo,inicialmente, realizado por meio da investigação dos benefícios, riscos e litígios que discutem eventos adversos na cirurgia assistida pelo robô Da Vinci,à luz do ordenamento jurídico norte-americano. Num segundo momento, é traçado um estudo comparatístico dessas demandas, sob a ótica do sistema jurídico brasileiro. Resultados e discussão: agrande complexidade na análise da responsabilidade civil na cirurgia robótica dá-se, sobretudo, na determinação da causa eficiente do dano­e a quem se atribuir o dever de indenizar.Nos Estados Unidos,essas demandas indenizatórias são conhecidas como finger-pointing cases, pois há sempre o dilema de quem deve responder quando há um dano ao paciente submetido à cirurgia robótica: o médico (e/ou o hospital) ou o fabricante do equipamento. Conclusão:para determinar a responsabilidade civil por eventos adversos na cirurgia robótica, torna-se imprescindível determinar a gênese do dano, isto é, se o dano é decorrente de serviço essencialmente médico, para médico ou extramédico. Além disso, na eventualidade de defeito do próprio robô Da Vinci, responderá o fabricante, independentemente da existência de culpa, pela reparação dos danos causados ao paciente.

Objectives: to verify benefits, risks and adverse events in the use of Da Vinci robot in surgical procedures in order to establish a means to attribute the responsibility between the many agents involved, whomever they may be doctors, the hospital, nursing team and manufacturer. Methods: the present study is based on the collection and interpretation of legal doctrinal and case law material related to the topic. This is initially achieved through the investigation of the benefits, risks and litigations that revolve around adverse events in surgery assisted by the Da Vinci robot, in the context of the North American legal order. In a second instance, a comparative study of these demands is drawn from the perspective of the Brazilian law system. Results and discussion: the great complexity of the analysis of civil liability in robotic surgery is mainly to determine the efficient cause of damage-and to whom should the duty to indemnify be attributed. In the United States of America, these indemnifying claims are known asfinger-pointing cases, as there is always the dilemma of who should respond when there is a damage to the patient who is submitted to robotic surgery, the doctor (and/or the hospital) or the equipment's manufacturer. Conclusion: in order to establish the civil liability due to adverse events in robotic surgery it is imperative to determine the source of the damage, whether it was from an essentially medical, paramedical or extra medical service. Furthermore, in the eventuality of a malfunction of the Da Vinci robot itself, the manufacturer must answer regardless of the existence of guilt to repair the damages caused to the patient.

Objetivo: verificar beneficios, riesgos y eventos adversos en la utilización del robot Da Vinci en procedimientos quirúrgicos, con el objetivo de establecer la forma de atribución de responsabilidad entre los diversos agentes involucrados, ya sean médico, hospital, equipo de enfermería y fabricante. Metodología:el presente estudio se centra en la recolección e interpretación de material doctrinario y jurisprudencial relacionado a la temática, siendo, inicialmente, realizado por medio de la investigación de los beneficios, riesgos y litigios que discuten eventos adversos en la cirugía asistida por el robot Da Vinci, a la luz del ordenamiento jurídico norteamericano. En un segundo momento, se traza un estudio comparativo de esas demandas, bajo la óptica del sistema jurídico brasileño. Resultados y discusiones:la gran complejidad en el análisis de la responsabilidad civil en la cirugía robótica se da, sobretodo, en la determinación de la causa eficiente del daño ­y a quien se le atribuya el deber de indemnizar. En los Estados Unidos, esas demandas indemnizatorias son conocidas como finger-pointing cases, ya que siempre existe el dilema de quién debe responder cuando hay un daño al paciente sometido a la cirugía robótica: el médico (y/o el hospital) o el fabricante del equipamiento.Conclusión:para determinar la responsabilidad civil por eventos adversos en la cirugía robótica, se hace imprescindible determinar el origen del daño, esto quiere decir, si el daño es un resultado del servicio esencialmente médico, paramédico o extramédico. Además, en la eventualidad de defecto del propio robot Da Vinci, responderá el fabricante, independiente de la existencia de culpa, por la reparación de los daños causados al paciente.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204881


Characterization of heavy metals in 5 Km2 range of dumping yard in relation to soil, water and crop has been studied. The concentration of Cd (4.05 mg/kg) in soil was higher than the permissible limit of WHO (3 mg/kg) and in descending order of metals in soil was found to be Fe> Cr>Cd>Ni>Zn>Cu>Pb and in bore well water it was Cr, Fe, Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu (23.20, 0.63, 0.31, 1.19 and 0.69 mg/l respectively) than the permissible limit (0.54, 0.40, 0.068, 0.03, 0.22, 0.018 mg/l) and their respective concentration ordered as Fe>Zn>Cu>Pb>Cd>Ni>Cr. Further the vegetables grown nearby dumping yard was highly contaminated by Cr in range (2.78 to 12.78 mgkg-1) in tomato, beans and cabbage and even in ragi and green gram Cr was high (1.78 to 14.96 mgkg-1). i.e., in Tomato; Cd>Fe>Cr>Zn>Pb>Ni>Cu, Beans; Cr>Cd>Pb>Fe>Zn>Cu>Ni, Cabbage; Cr>Cd>Pb>Fe>Zn>Cu>Ni, Ragi; Fe and Zn were below permissible limit and Pb, Ni, Cu, Cd are BDL and Green gram; Cr>Fe>Zn>Pb>Cu > Ni>Cd. In support of results, primary survey was conducted in nearby 20 villages circumventing the dumping yard. A total of 150 respondents were randomly enquired to know their level of knowledge and health status as result of open dumping site. The results revealed that 43.33%, 36% and 20.67% as medium, high and low impact in relation to heath and knowledge aspect of dumping site. Thus there is a considerable impact on environment and humans due to the presence of heavy metal in crop, soil and water.

RECIIS (Online) ; 14(1): 111-125, jan.-mar. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087268


A informação pública, garantida por lei no Brasil, é base para a geração de conhecimento adaptativo em situações adversas, como a extrema vulnerabilidade socioambiental e seus impactos na saúde humana. O presente artigo avalia a transparência da informação pública nas áreas de saúde humana (com foco no Sistema Único de Saúde ­ SUS), mudanças produtivas (uso do solo) e mudanças climáticas (chuva e temperatura), utilizando dados de 5.570 municípios brasileiros, ao longo dos últimos 20 anos. A experiência da construção de uma base nacional de dados (Data Lake) a partir de informações disponibilizadas em bases públicas (ou público-privadas) ­ DATASUS, MapBiomas, Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (Inmet) e Hidroweb da Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA) ­ confirmou que, na prática, a acessibilidade da informação pública no Brasil apresenta entraves importantes. Incluímos recomendações sobre como ela pode ser aprimorada para tornar os direitos de acesso à informação uma realidade mais concreta para o cidadão brasileiro.

The transparency of public information, a right that is entitled by law in Brazil, is the basis to generate adaptive knowledge in adverse situations, such as extreme socio-environmental vulnerability and its impacts on human health. This article evaluates the transparency of public information in three areas ­ i) human health, focusing on the Sistema Único de Saúde ­ SUS (Unified Health System); ii) productive changes (land use indicators); and iii) climate changes (rain and temperature indicators) ­ using data from all the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities over the last 20 years. The experience of building a national database (Data Lake) from available information in public (or public-private) databases ­ DATASUS, MapBiomas, Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia ­ Inmet (National Institute of Meteorology), and Hidroweb of the Agência Nacional de Águas ­ ANA (National Water Agency) ­ confirmed that, in practice, the accessibility of public information in Brazil suffers from significant shortcomings. We include some recommendations for and how it could be improved so that the access rights to information becomes a more concrete reality for the Brazilian citizen.

La información pública, garantizada por ley en Brasil, es la base para la generación de conocimiento adaptativo en situaciones adversas, como la extrema vulnerabilidad socioambiental y sus impactos en la salud humana. Este artículo evalúa la transparencia de la información pública en las áreas de salud humana (dirigindo la atención hacia el Sistema Único de Saúde ­ SUS (Sistema Único de Salud), cambios productivos (uso del suelo) y cambios climáticos (lluvia y temperatura), con datos de los 5.570 municipios brasileños, durante los últimos 20 años. La experiencia de la construcción de una base nacional de datos (Data Lake) a partir de informaciones disponibles en bases públicas (o público-privadas) ­ DATASUS, MapBiomas, Instituto Nacional de Meteorología (Inmet) e Hidroweb de la Agência Nacional de Águas ­ ANA (Agencia Nacional de Aguas) ­ confirmó que, en la práctica, la accesibilidad de la información pública en Brasil presenta obstáculos importantes. Incluimos recomendaciones acerca de como la transparencia puede ser perfeccionada para hacer de los derechos de acceso a la información una realidad más concreta para el ciudadano brasileño.

Humans , Climate Change , Access to Information/legislation & jurisprudence , Decision Making , Environment and Public Health , Big Data , Unified Health System , Brazil , Public Information , Social Vulnerability , Geographic Information Systems , Health Policy , Health Information Systems